Karen Anne Light
Devised Theatre
2020-present: Prowling the Abyss
-Fringe Montréal (June 2025)
-at The Vino Theater, Brooklyn, NYC
-Orlando International Fringe Festival, Orlando, FL
-Tucson Fringe Festival, Tucson
2022: HOT! Festival, NYC
2021: Theaterlab Gallery Residency, NYC
2020: Sisters of Rapture, Alchemical Theatre Laboratory, NYC
2019 - 2020: Different, Theater Grottesco, Santa Fe, NM
2013 - present: Unblinking Eye, Guardian Angel Church, LaGuardia PAC, Luna Stage, PianoFight Dixon Place, Lucid Body Studio, NYC, NJ & SF
2014-2015: The Tempest and Strawberry Moon (red nose clown), Mutiny Radio & Exit Theater, San Francisco
2009 - 2011: Alice: Down the Rwong Wrabbit Whole, Studio Gracia and Emerald Tablet, SF
2010: Portals, Flying Actor Studio, SF
Regional Theatre - San Francisco/Northern California
2008: Ladies of the Camellias, Girl, Off Broadways West, Dir. Joyce Henderson
2006: Rigoletto, Lady Eve (supernumary), San Francisco Opera, Dir. Harry Silverstein
2003: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hermia, Ensemble Theatre of Chico, Dir. Joyce Henderson
2002: The Vagina Monologues, “My Vagina Was My Village”, Brava Theater, Dir. Maya Sibley & Helen Simrill
2002: Othello, Desdemona, Ensemble Theatre of Chico, Dir. Joyce Henderson
2001: A Cry of Players, Anne Hatheway (understudy), Blue Room Theater, Dir. Brad Moniz
2000: The Catechism, Big Sister, Blue Room Theater, Dir. Junia Ziblay
2000: Bury the Dead, Julia Blake, Blue Room Theater, Dir. Brad Moniz
Film & Television
2019 - present: The Fae (Nancy 3), Philadelphia Independent, OUTstream, Big Apple Film Festivals, NYC
2014: Dear Pauline Jean (Mask Teacher), ShortsTV /Shorts International, Sky Arts TV NZ, NYC
2010: It Came From Kuchar (documentary), Tigerlilly Productions, SF
2010: The Fury of Frau Frankenstein (Concubine, Flower Girl), dir. George Kuchar, SF
Teaching & Consultation Work
2024 - 2025 : Red Nose Theatre Clown Workshops , ArtNY Studios, Brooklyn & Manhattan
2024: Guest Clown Teacher, Clown Gym, NYC
2023: Pedagogical Assistant to teacher Elizabeth Baron, "Sublime Stupidity" : An Intro to Red Nose Clown, LaLa Theater Co., Santa Cruz, CA.
2023: Character and Acting Consultant: “River” music video by Cunt Jazz, Brooklyn, NY.
2023: Movement Consultant: “The Fae” series, Brooklyn, NY.
2022-present, Movement Theatre / Formwork Consultant & Collaborator: "Aureola" by Justin A Taylor, NYC and Rhode Island
2020-present, Physical Theatre Teacher & Performance Consultant, private sessions, NYC
2022, Acting Consultant, "Carma With A C" (series)
2022, Devising/Physical Comedy Consultant, "The Lulo Style Group: Shark Attack", Canon Ball Festival, Philadelphia
2019, Assistant Clown Teacher, Circo Latino, Albuquerque, NM
2014, Physical Theatre Teacher, Theatre Lab, Santa Cruz, CA
2012, Mask Theatre Choreographer, “Dear Pauline Jean”(film), NYC
2002-2012, Principal Dancer & Assistant Dance Teacher, Life Dance Theater, SF
2008, Dance Instructor, Kaiser Permanente, SF
Education & Training
-Movement Theatre Training & Pedagogical Research with Elizabeth Baron: Red Nose Theatre Clown, Voice, Mask, Devising Performance from Improvisation, Formwork, Reichian Breathwork, Wu Tao, Gestalt, 20 Movements (Lecoq), The Polarities of Giovanni Fusetti, 2014 - present
-Bouffon Intensive Training, Giovanni Fusetti, Boulder, Colorado, 2022
-Continued Mime Training, James Donlon, 2021
-Larval Mask, Ensemble, Tragedy, Bouffon, Theater Grottesco / John Flax, 2017-2019
-Physical Theatre Conservatory at Flying Actor Studio, James Donlon, Leonard Pitt, John Gilkey: Neoclassical Mime, Decroux Mime, Clown, Mask, Neutrality, Ensemble, 2009-2011
-The Idiot Workshop/John Gilkey, Clown & Comedy, 2009-2014
-Ghosts Lab: Devised Theatre & Rhapsodic Theatre Apprenticeship with John O’Keefe, 2010-2012
-Théâtre du Soleil, Workshop, 2008
-Life Dance Theater/Lorna Zilba, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and International dance, 2001-2011
-Harupin Ha Butoh/Hiroko Tamano, Butoh, 2006-2011
-British American Drama Academy, Shakespearean, Contemporary, & Physical Theatre, 2004
-San Francisco State University, BA in Theater Arts/Acting including Suzuki Method and Meisner Technique, 2002-2007
-Rabinowitz, Chloe. “Theaterlab to Present ‘Prowling the Abyss’ by Karen Anne Light.” Broadway World, 23 Sept. 2021, www.broadwayworld.com.
-Meehan, Meagan J. “Prowling the Abyss: Interview With Performer Karen Anne Light.” HVY Journalists, 4 Oct. 2021, www.hvy.com.
-Jusinki, Charlotte. “A Fire Between Us: 'Different' from Theater Grottesco.” Santa Fe Reporter, 27 Nov. 2019, www.sfreporter.com.
-LaRocca, Lauren. “Discovering the Story (Again and Again and Again): Theater Grottesco's ‘Different.’” Santa Fe New Mexican, 15 Nov. 2019, www.santafenewmexican.com/pasatiempo.
-Taylor, Justin. “Drone Plays: There’s Something in the Air.”American Theatre, 27 April 2015, www.americantheatre.org.
Awards & Grants
2021, City Artists Corps Grant for Prowling the Abyss
2021, Bay Area CA$H Grant for Unblinking Eye
2019, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Creative Engagement Grant for Unblinking Eye
2024, Mercury Store Residency for Unblinking Eye
2021, Theaterlab Gallery Residency for Prowling the Abyss
2018, Stratford New Works Lab for Unblinking Eye