Photos feature: Irene Convey, Lily Ali-Oshatz, Nadav Wiesel, Christian Gonzalez-Rivera, Jessi D. Hill,
Kendra Carr, Cecilia Corrigan, Hong Zhang, Michael DeBlis, Amos A, Justin A Taylor, Adrian Turner
The red nose is the tiniest of theatre masks, but the one with the greatest power: to reveal the innermost and purest parts of you - and make you laugh at them. This weekend workshop will introduce you to your own clown, the true-st, you-est you there is. You may be surprised to find yourself laughing at parts of yourself you judge, struggle to hide, or usually see as unremarkable. The clown is an access to profound wisdom, absurd logic, accidental brilliance, and endless possibilities for play and discovery on stage and off. Students will come away with the stunning simplicity and power of having encountered their own true clown!
This workshop is open to seasoned clowns, theatre artists, actors, performers, and movers of all stripes, as well as absolute beginners! Those in the world of body work, somatics, yoga, dance, and other body-based practices may also enjoy this workshop. Those who have already experienced clown may be delighted to encounter a new clown form. Newcomers can join the fun and delight of finding their own silly - and may be surprised to learn that they are drawn to something they never imagined themselves trying. :)
This workshop will introduce you to some wonderfully rich movement theatre and clown lineages, which I am thrilled to share with you, including (not limited to):
-Lecoq Physical Theatre & Red Nose Clown, as taught and transmitted by Giovanni Fusetti & Elizabeth Baron of Helikos Scuola Internazionale, and by John Flax of Theater Grottesco
-The Clown and Comedy of John Gilkey (The Idiot Workshop & Cirque du Soleil)
-Physical Theatre as taught by James Donlon
8 students per workshop